常見問題 Frequently Asked Questions
Q1. 本校教職員師生如何登入iCAN?
How do faculty, administrative staff and students log in to iCAN?
A1. 本校教職員師生請以LDAP帳號密碼登入,並請確認LDAP帳號密碼大小寫是否輸入正確。
Please enter your LDAP account number and password. (Please note that account and passwords are case sensitive)
Q2. 外校生如何使用iCAN?
How do visiting students access iCAN?
A2. 1. 外校生完成選課後會取得一組學號(範例:S09800001),此學號即為iCAN帳號,預設密碼為身分證後四碼(外校生學號可洽詢本校課務組承辦人員,分機2284)
1. After registering for courses, you will receive a Student ID (ex: S09800001). This is your iCAN ID. Your preset password is the last four digits of this ID. Visiting students can find out their Student ID by enquiring at the Curriculum Division (extension 2284).

2. 外校生之帳號啟用須等候系統轉檔,若您此時無法登入,請耐心等候或洽詢系統管理人員(分機2945)
2. Visiting students must wait for the system to be updated in order to enable their accounts. If you are unable to log in, please wait or contact the systems manager at extension 2945.

Q3. 推廣學分班的學生如何使用iCAN教學平台?
How do students at the School of Continuing Education access iCAN?
A3. 請向推廣部申請帳號。可撥電話(02)2905-3731詢問。
Please apply at the School of Continuing Education for an account number. You can call (02) 2905-3731.
Q4. 老師上傳教材上傳不上去?
What if an instructor has a problem uploading teaching materials?


The instructor can select Settings and click on Storage Management to see if the storage space for the course has been exceeded. If this is the case, the instructor can click Application Forms located on the upper right and fill out the Application Form for Increased Storage Space, then send it to the Curriculum Division at the Cardinal Yu Pin Administration Building.
Please note that an individual uploaded file cannot exceed 200MB.

Q5. 如何看到上學期的課程?
How can I see the courses from the previous semester?
A5. 可在iCAN頁面點選左方的「課程清單」,抑或點選上方的「iCAN學習」即可看到各學期的課程。
Click Course List on the upper left of the main page. You can also click iCAN Learning at the top to see courses from each semester.
Q6. 要怎麼看到100學年度第1學期以前的課程?
How can I see courses from before and including the first semester of the 2011-2012 academic year?
A6. 老師可至iCAN頁面中點選右上方的「iCAN3」或點選iCAN首頁中帳號密碼下方「舊iCAN」,登入後點選左方「我的課程」,再點選「課程清單」即可看到100學年度第1學期以前的課程。
Instructors can select iCAN3 on the upper right of the main page, or select Old iCAN beneath where the account number and password are entered. Once logged in, click My Courses on the left, and then on Course List to see past courses.
Q7. 為何助教已經加入課程卻沒有使用iCAN的權限,例如:發公告、出作業?
Why is it that a teaching assistant has already been registered for a course but their TA Access has not been authorized to allow them to do TA work, such as making announcements, uploading homework, etc.?
A7. 老師可以至iCAN的課程功能-> 設定-> 助教權限 ->勾選助教管理-> 儲存設定-> 即可完成開啟助教權限。
The instructor should log into iCAN and select Settings. Click TA Access, and check Enable TA Management. Click Save Changes to enable TA Access.
Q8. 如何讓同學知道期中期末考成績?(老師沒有用iCAN出過作業、考試適用)
How can a student know their grades for their mid-term and final exams? (if their instructors have not used iCAN to give out homework or tests)
A8. 老師可於成績管理中點選上方的「簡易/進階」,再選擇簡易,即可設定成績比率以及輸入平時、期中、期末等各項成績。
In the Grades Management section, under Simple/Advanced, the instructor can select Simple. They can then provide a breakdown of the student’s overall grade, and input the student’s regular, mid-term and final exam grades.
Q9. 相關表格要如何下載?(例如:助教增刪表、旁聽生增刪增刪表...等)
How do you download the forms? (TA forms, guest student forms)
A9. 可點選 iCAN相關文件申請表下載
Simply click oniCAN Application Forms.
Q10. iCAN相關諮詢電話?(如:系統管理、教務諮詢)
What are the contact numbers for iCAN?
A10. 1. iCAN系統維護管理 電話:(02)2905-2945
The number for systems management and maintenance is (02) 2905-2945

2. iCAN教務相關資料、平台改進建議 電話:(02)2905-3279
The number for anything related to academics, or suggestions for improving the system, is (02) 2905-3279.